The holidays are quickly approaching as they often do, and if you’re like me, you don’t know how they got here so quickly! Save time this holiday season and discover more about your supporters through new features available on AlumniFinder Online. With extra insight on your supporters’ philanthropic activities, you will know precisely who to target for your holiday appeal!

AlumniFinder Online is now offering the following additional data on your supporters, when available:

Dollars Donated – represented by the dollar amount that a household has donated within the last 36 months.

Types of Causes – represented by the type of cause(s) to which a household has donated within the last 36 months. Types of Causes available are Animal, Children, Political/Conservative, Political/Liberal, Political/Social, and Veteran.

Number of Donations – represented by the total number of donations a household has made in the last 36 months.

Total Charities Donated to – represented by the number of charities to which a household has donated in the last 36 months (1, 2 or 3 plus).

To learn more about the new features, contact us today!

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Gabrielle Perham

Gabrielle Perham

Gabrielle is the Director of Marketing for AccuData Integrated Marketing, AlumniFinder’s parent organization. She joined the organization in 2017 and brings more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit marketing and development, branding, communications, and digital marketing. She earned a B.S. in Marketing and an M.B.A in Marketing Management from the University of Tampa. Go Spartans!