Before you can decide on an appropriate ask amount, one of the best things you can do to prepare for a meeting is uncover wealth information about a prospective donor. Whether you need wealth information for a single major gift donor or want to dig a little deeper into your full database, there are a variety of tools and services at your disposal.
Today, we’re going to review two broad categories of options:
- Wealth Screening Tools
- Government Websites
Both of these options can be used to help you reach your fundraising goals, depending on your needs, budget, and the type or amount of wealth information you’d like to collect.
Let’s get started with…
Wealth Screening Tools
Most wealth screening tools are paid services that can provide you with more thorough, detailed information. Costs can range from only a few dollars for research on a single or only a few donors, to thousands of dollars for subscription models that last for a year. Depending on the number of people you need to research or the length of time that this will be important for your efforts, you’ll want to consider different wealth tools.
AlumniFinder Search
When you need to research only a limited number of potential donors, AlumniFinder Search is a great option. This search platform allows you to get in-depth reporting on an individual, including wealth indicators such as real estate, plane or boat ownership, bankruptcy or divorce/marriage filings, and many more details. You also can receive full contact information and other key details to fill in any missing gaps in your database. Each search performed is anywhere between $1-$10 and no subscription is needed to use the website. Simply register now by clicking here to begin searching!
Whenit’s essential to get a full overview of your supporters, a solution like DonorScore is best. This report will rank each supporter in your database by two key factors: the likelihood that they will make a donation and their ability to do so. It can help you segment your database to focus on those who are most likely to contribute, and also gives you wealth details in addition to the scoring. Find out more about DonorScore and all it has to offer by clicking here!
Wealth Screening Powered by DonorSearch
Giving you access to four different powerful ways to search, this wealth screening solution works best for fundraisers who need year-round access to an abundance of wealth information. With everything from individual donor lookups to finding new prospective donors on the lists of similar organizations, it can help boost your fundraising year-round. This option is a subscription model, so for cost details please contact us to find out more information!
DonorView Analytics
Another powerful way to uncover potential donors in your database is by using data insights. Analytics tools can analyze your supporters to identify those most likely to take action, help you identify other potential donors, and more. This is a one-time analysis of your database and can be modified to best meet your needs. Talk to one of our fundraising experts to find out how your data can help you!
Government Websites
Another great place to find wealth details about a donor is on government websites. Certain transactions require transparency by law, and donor researchers can take advantage of this!
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
The FEC website allows you to look up individual contributions made to the major political parties or to political action committees. Since donors to political causes are more likely to make contributions to other causes they care about, this additional insight can help you understand what a potential donor cares about and the amounts they are already giving. To do a search for individual contributions, just click here.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
While private stock holdings are not included, public stocks can be researched easily on the SEC website. This can be a good way of finding stock information to indicate wealth for the donors you are targeting, although it does have some limitations. Search stock investments by clicking here.
We hope that these resources will help you to get the details you need to fundraise effectively! Remember if you need other wealth data or detailed demographics of your prospective donors to assist you in your targeted fundraising efforts, the experts at AlumniFinder are here for you!